This visualization utilizes open data provided by Fintraffic through a Digitraffic service. The API used for this visualization provides AIS (Automatic Identification System) -information on vessel locations in Finnish waterways. Area of observation is delimited to cover the surroundings of City of Helsinki.
Here is a selection of our projects done with different
clients over the years.
Click the thumbnail
to view and explore a project in detail. →

Arts and Culture in Helsinki

Selected infographics

Manner geography textbooks

YTN Data

Coastline Paradox

City of Helsinki infographics guidelines

SAGE Datasets

Pictograms for Kuntaliitto

Konstsamfundet grant dashboard

Election map for Aamulehti

Helsinki Bicycle Account

Interactive visualization for Finnish literature Exchange FILI

Metsä Fibre annual review

Nordic Culture Point interactive visualization

Data Visualization Handbook (2019)
A practical guide for creating clear and compelling data visualizations, based on the Finnish-language original.

Tieto Näkyväksi (2016)
The original Finnish-language primer on data visualization.

Both of the company’s founders—Juuso Koponen and Jonatan Hildén—are experienced educators. We have taught close to 200 individual courses and workshops during the past decade and a half. We both hold positions as visiting lecturers at several Finnish universities. We offer data visualization training in Finnish, English and Swedish for designers, communicators, researchers, and other experts—with open enrollment or tailored to specific client needs.
For quotes or inquiries please contact Juuso Koponen:
Information Design for Lawyers
An easy-to-follow, hands-on online course by Juuso Koponen and Dot., a leading legal design and technology studio in the Nordics. The course offers a mix of videos, audio, pictures, graphs, tables, and text content, catering to different learning styles and ensuring a diverse and interactive learning journey.
While the course is geared towards the needs of lawyers, it can also be suitable to professionals in other fields.
Sign up here:
Koponen+Hildén Oy
Hämeentie 19, 00500 Helsinki
visiting address: Käenkuja 3a A
E-Invoice: 003726609535
Operator: OKOYFIHH
VAT ID: FI26609535